Aeryon Wellness Feminine pH Testing Strips (50 Strips) Online Sale

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- Suggested Use
- No Mess
- Simple ~ Easy to use
- Results in 30 Seconds
- Monitor Vaginal PH Levels
Wash and dry hands then using a cotton swab, gently collect a small amount of fluid from the vagina and apply it onto the Aeryon Wellness pH strip. Each bottle contains 50 strips that are easy to read and interpret. After 30 seconds compare the color of the strip with the color test chart. Aeryon Wellness Vaginal pH Testing strips are very sensitive to the environment and changes to temperature. Made from the premium quality materials and a stringent quality process prior to packaging and shipping, store them at room temperature. Avoid direct sunlight and heat. Do not refrigerate. Secure tightly after each use. Prior to testing avoid intercourse and vaginal douching. Illegal and prescription medication may affect results. This test is not recommended for use while pregnant during menstruation, those with diabetes or using hormone therapy. Aeryon Wellness PH Vaginal Testing Strips are made of high-quality filter paper mounted to a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film.
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Size 50 Strips
Aeryon Wellness Feminine PH Testing Strips
Aeryon Wellness vaginal pH testing strips are designed to easily and accurately measure how acidic or alkaline your vagina is on the pH scale. The normal vaginal pH value for a woman of reproductive age ranges from 3.8 to 4.5, but the value may be slightly higher than 4.5 among premenarchal and postmenopausal women. A pH level within this range can help to keep bacterial and fungal infections at bay. When the vaginal pH is above 4.5, it becomes less acidic, making it easier for bacteria and yeast to thrive.
If you are experiencing burning, itching and discomfort while your vagina has a pH of 4.5-5.0, you may be experiencing a yeast infection. If your vaginal pH is 5.0 or above, you may have Bacterial Vaginosis or another infection that requires treatment from a doctor.
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